The inalienable right to life possessed by every human being is present from the moment of initial formation, and all human beings shall be entitled to the equal protection of persons under the law.
What would you do...
What would you do if you saw a man killing children while their parents either watched in silence or turned away in complete disregard?
Think about all your options for a moment, and then consider the conclusion that I came to: The only way to save the kids is to attack the man doing the killing. The question is allegorical. The man is representative of all those who perform abortions in America. The parents represent the mothers who either seek out or submit to those abortions, and the children being killed are, of course, the unborn babies whose lives are taken. The only way to save those babies is to attack the ones performing the abortions. You can and should alert the mothers to what is going on in order to save a few lives, but many of them will still go through with the abortion. You can and should put yourself in a position to direct the ire and the resources of the abortionists towards yourself instead of the babies, but many will still be killed. You can but should not get angry and take that anger out on the women seeking abortions, but many babies will still be killed. You can pray and ask God to end abortion, and He will answer your prayer, but He may answer by sending you to do the job. The only way to stop abortion and prevent the death of nearly 4,000 children every day is to directly challenge those providing the abortions. That is the goal of the Personhood Initiative. If the amendment that we are proposing is passed, then abortion would immediately be labeled as first degree murder, and anyone who performs an abortion would face either life imprisonment or the death penalty. Will you help us take the battle to the ones doing the killing? Join the Personhood Initiative, download the free Personhood Booklet and spread the news about a fight that has a real chance of ending abortion in Alabama and throughout the US. |