The inalienable right to life possessed by every human being is present from the moment of initial formation, and all human beings shall be entitled to the equal protection of persons under the law.
About Personhood
For nearly 40 years, the Christian community has been seeking for a way to eliminate the practice of abortion in America. We have presented and supported pro-life legislation. We have challenged abortion laws in the courts. We have established crisis pregnancy centers across America, and we have held rallies on government lawns and picketed abortion clinics. In spite of these efforts, we are still witnessing 1.2 million abortions per year in America and more than 10,000 per year in Alabama. We have seen a few successes, but the reality of the situation is that we have failed to have any significant effect on the number of abortions being performed. We need a new battle plan – a plan that abandons the shortcomings of our previous attempts and corrects them to engage the enemy at its weakest point. |
Abortion has an Achilles heel, and that is where we must direct our attack. In Roe v. Wade, Justice Potter Stewart asked the pro-abortion attorney Sarah Weddington this question: “If it were established that an unborn fetus is a person within the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment, you would have an almost impossible case here would you not?” Mrs. Weddington replied, “I would have a very difficult case.” Justice Blachmun then concluded in the majority decision that, “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.”
Here, in Roe v. Wade itself, is laid bare for us a weakness in the foundation of the legal case for abortion. If the unborn child were to be legally defined as a person, then abortion would become a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is where we must focus our attack. Abortion has an Achilles heel, and it is personhood for the unborn.
The Personhood Initiative is a grass roots movement that seeks to exploit this weakness by adding an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama which will recognize all unborn children as persons under the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment. Our motto and the text of the amendment that we are recommending to the legislature is:
“The inalienable right to life possessed by every human being is present from the moment of initial formation, and all human beings shall be entitled to the equal protection of persons under the law.”
Our two-fold goal is 1) to generate such public awareness of the personhood amendment that no one in the state of Alabama will be able to discuss the issue of abortion without also discussing the language of the proposed amendment, and 2) to create an environment in which the legislators feel compelled to give the personhood amendment their full support.
We ask you to join us in this battle that you may have a part in the victory to come. Click here to learn more about how you can get involved; then begin spreading the word and encouraging others to join the fray. Let us press on against the foe knowing that if God be for us then not even the mighty stronghold of abortion can stand against us.
Here, in Roe v. Wade itself, is laid bare for us a weakness in the foundation of the legal case for abortion. If the unborn child were to be legally defined as a person, then abortion would become a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is where we must focus our attack. Abortion has an Achilles heel, and it is personhood for the unborn.
The Personhood Initiative is a grass roots movement that seeks to exploit this weakness by adding an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama which will recognize all unborn children as persons under the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment. Our motto and the text of the amendment that we are recommending to the legislature is:
“The inalienable right to life possessed by every human being is present from the moment of initial formation, and all human beings shall be entitled to the equal protection of persons under the law.”
Our two-fold goal is 1) to generate such public awareness of the personhood amendment that no one in the state of Alabama will be able to discuss the issue of abortion without also discussing the language of the proposed amendment, and 2) to create an environment in which the legislators feel compelled to give the personhood amendment their full support.
We ask you to join us in this battle that you may have a part in the victory to come. Click here to learn more about how you can get involved; then begin spreading the word and encouraging others to join the fray. Let us press on against the foe knowing that if God be for us then not even the mighty stronghold of abortion can stand against us.